The Los Santos Police Department’s goal is to protect Los Santos’ high quality of life and reduce criminal activity by respond to calls quickly and effectively. Our officers are the key to safeguarding the rights and the safety of the community that has grown on the trust and hard work of the men and women who risk their lives for the state of San Andreas.
Why Join The LSPD?
The Los Santos Police department is the original police force in the LSLRP community, once lead by the director himself. We have been serving Los Santos Life RP since July of 2017 and are the main reason both the other Law Enforcement Departments and the community itself is the way it is. We like to think that we offer a fun and diverse community inside the department and we think that a cadet who wishes to join us has chosen the right career path.
Expectations Of An Officer
When Joining the Los Santos Police Department, we require our officers to display the following skills:
Confidence and trust
Integrity and Respect
To be able to make quick and rational decisions on the spot
Speak and write fluent English
Set and achieve personal goals
Cooperation when working within a team
Clear Communication Skills

Standard Operation Procedure
Here at the Los Santos Police Department, we pride ourselves on the effort and commitment that is put in by our officers. This is done by all members of the department following and regulating themselves off of our Standard Operation Procedure, more commonly referred to as an SOP.
Los Santos Police Department SOP
The link above will direct you straight to our Standard Operating Procedure, where you can learn more about our expectations as a department.

Police Department Command Staff
Chief of Police - N/A
Assistant Chief of Police - N/A
Deputy Chief of Police - N/A
Bureau Chief of Police - N/A
Police Commander - N/A
The Los Santos Detective Bureau is one of three divisions within the San Andreas Bureau of Investigations. Covering a massive jurisdiction of the southern Los Santos Docks, all the way up to the grand houses of Rockford hills - The LSDB requires its Officers to be on the very top of their game while serving in one of the many subdivisions we have to offer, Consisting of:
Robbery Homicide Division - Responsible for investigating select homicides, bank robberies, serial robberies, extortions, sexual assaults, human trafficking, kidnapping, incidents that result in injury or death to an officer, and threats against officers.
Detective Support and Vice Division - Responsible for investigating missing persons, hate crimes, threats made to public officials/prominent persons, aggravated stalking, piracy and counterfeit sales/goods, animal cruelty, pimping/pandering, pornography, and prostitution/human trafficking.
Gang and Narcotic Division - Responsible for disrupting violent street gangs and the means by which they support their lifestyle, including the manufacture, transportation, sale and use of illicit drugs, and sales of firearms in the greater Los Santos area.
Forensic and technical detectives Division - Responsible for the collection, comparison and interpretation of specific types of physical evidence found at crime scenes or collected from suspects and victims. It is comprised of the following units: Questioned Documents, Serology/DNA, Trace Analysis, Firearms Analysis, Field Investigation, Quality Assurance, Toxicology, Narcotics Analysis, Latent Print, and Photography/Video Analysis.
Special Task Force Division - A task force comprised of the states' most advanced and well equipt units, responsible for organizing statewide investigations believed to be related to multi-state gangs or Terrorist threats.

Chain Of Command
Chief Of Police
The Chief Of Police is the highest-ranking member in the Los Santos Police Department and is responsible for the department as a whole. They must listen to and implement features to improve the department and have the final say on all issues.
Assistant Chief Of Police
The Assistant Chief Of Police is responsible for running the administrative side of the department. As well as updating the Chief on department activities and major concerns within the department and overseeing Command Staff Operations.
Deputy Chief Of Police
The Deputy Chief Of Police is in charge of organizing and listening to the department's supervisors, ensuring the members are both listened to and watched closely, especially among lower ranks. They must also deal with complaints submitted regarding the senior staff and other higher-ranking officers, as well as keeping the other command staff informed about decisions taken regarding promotions and demotions.
Police Commander
The Police Commander(s) are part of the command staff team. They oversee all department policies, patrols, divisions, supervisors, and procedures. They work with the Deputy Chief to decide on major choices, such as Sub-division Directors and Department Supervisors.
Police Captain
A Police Captain is the highest-ranking officer within the department who does not hold an administrative position. They report to the command staff about the progress of any and all supervisors, sub-divisions, patrol units, department policy, and much more. The will ofter oversee large patrols and can deal with any issues brought to them by other Senior Staff members without following the chain of command unless they deem it necessary.
A Police Lieutenant is the first rank in the Senior Staff team and is responsible for assessing and watching Sergeant and other supervisors. They must report back to higher command regarding disciplinary actions that need to be taken and have a major input in decisions made that directly affect members. At this rank, officers are now eligible to be watch commanders for the department in the absence of higher command.
Police Sergeant - Master Sergeant
The next three ranks are the first supervisory positions within the department, allowing officers to be dispatched to scenes requiring someone with higher authority than the initiating officer. Officers of this rank are also able to now direct a sub-division if the opportunity becomes available.
Police Corporal - Senior Corporal
A Police Corporal is the Departments's first Training Supervisor rank and proves you have outshone others in the field. You are now eligible to begin your Supervisor Training Course and apply to be an Academy Helper if you so wish.
Police Officer I - Police Officer III
Becoming a Police Officer means you are officially a member of the Los Sants Police Department. Police Officer I is the status given to all officers after the complete their probationary course. Police Officer III is the official rank where you may apply to be apart of a subdivision.
Probationary Officer
Congratulations on passing your Academy exam, but it's not ever yet. As a Probationary Officer, you are now able to patrol by yourself or with loose guidance from a supervisor. Once you pass your probationary stage, you have officially completed the academy and are ready for your passing our parade.
Police Cadet
The first steps onto the career ladder with the Los Santos Police Department. This is the entry-level classification given to all civilians who sign up for the Law Enforcement Academy.
The goal of the Los Santos Port Authority is to ensure the safety of the public by acting on crimes on the front line, enforcing the laws of San Andreas both inside and outside of the state. With Operations in Land, Sea, and Air - this is the most diverse career that you can take. It is not just our duty, but our passion that drives us to be the best. What do we do?
• Public Transportation Security and Enforcement
• Airport and Port Security
• Search and Rescue
• Evidence Recovery
• Vessel Pursuits
• Bicycle/Foot Patrols
To be eligible to be apart of the LSPA, you must be at least an Officer III within
the Los Santos Police Department.

Los Santos Police Departments Air Support Division (ASD) is comprised of some of the most elite officers San Andreas has to offer - The 'Eye in the sky' for all law enforcement personnel.
However, ensuring the safety of the public while providing much-needed insights into the locations and intent of criminals is no easy feat, so a full rotorcraft Training and examination, on both the major roads, areas, and landmarks of Los Santos, as well as a short, written exam on the departments' rules and regulations. Those new to the division are welcome to fly as a Co-pilot and camera operator to assist experience Flight Officers in area surveillance and vehicle pursuits.
Special Flight Operator
Being a member of the Departments Air Support Division is one of the few ways for a law enforcement officer can guarantee his/her place as a SWAT unit. Flight Officers Ranked as a Flight Officer III or higher are able to take an advanced course to land them a spot as one of the SWAT team's very own "Special Flight Officer" and apart of the Reserve SWAT team if requested.
Fancy yourself an ace pilot and are ranked Officer III or higher in the Los Santos Police Department? Apply Today.